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Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Maes y Gwendraeth

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Canolfan yr Eithin 

Through experiences, our pupils will develop and build on their knowledge and skills through the medium of Welsh. 


  • Treat all pupils as individuals and recognize their strengths and needs.
  • Create a safe and supportive environment for all individuals. 
  • Build a good relationship with the pupils to ensure a positive attitude to learning. 
  • To develop a sense of self-worth. 
  • Enabling the development of cooperative and social skills. 
  • To foster a sense of belonging to the wider school community, by taking part in all  suitable activities. 
  • Provide opportunities for all pupils, according to their ability, to gain access to the  curriculum, in a flexible way. 
  • Working closely with the parents in the interests of the pupil by sharing relevant  information. 
  • Working closely with other specialists, e.g.: therapists. 
  • Develop life skills and social skills. 
  • Open-door policy: Anyone is welcome to join the lessons at the Ganolfan in accordance  with their timetable. 
  • Develop independence.  
  • Group and individual work. 
  • Students who are working below the Progression Steps are given the opportunity to follow a bespoke  curriculum where it is appropriate to promote basic skills and language.
  • The Pre-Progression Steps are used to assess the pupils working below the Welsh  Progression Steps.
  • Year 10 – 13 will follow elements of the WJEC Entry Pathways courses. 


The aim of full inclusion is to give every individual pupil a chance to participate in educational  and social activities within the school. Some pupils attend registration with their peers and  attend suitable classes, after discussion with professionals, parents, and the individual. This is  under constant discussion and changes are made if necessary.



The staff involved in the Centre work closely as a team for the benefit of the pupils. The  teachers have the main responsibility of planning and preparation, with the Learning Support  Assistants having an input as and when appropriate. They also go out to mainstream lessons to  support pupils and mainstream teachers. Staff input is necessary for assessment and delivery.  We work closely with other teachers as required.


Educational philosophy

There is a need to develop personal skills, life skills, social skills, and communication  skills. All this is done through realistic situations/scenarios inside and outside of the  classroom. The experience outside the classroom is an integral part of the educational  process and reinforces classwork. 

Pictorial evidence of activities is a record of the pupil's work and provides an  opportunity to truly measure development. A picture paints a thousand words!


Each pupil has a personal timetable that includes all aspects of the curriculum. They may work  individually or in a group, at the Centre or out in the mainstream. The timetable can include the  following at various times of the year: - 

  • Language / Literacy 
  • Mathematics / Numeracy 
  • Science  
  • Expressive Arts, Humanities 
  • Speech and Language Therapy 
  • Fine Motor / Handwriting / Typing 
  • Talkabout 
  • Lego 
  • Shopping trips / Eating out 
  • Cooking 
  • Personal hygiene 
  • Use of Social Stories 
  • Visits: e.g.: Pantomime, Cinema, Shows 
  • Urdd competitions 
  • Sports such as skiing, swimming, bowling, canoeing, surfing, and golf
  • Entry Pathways WJEC (Year 10+)

Manlylion Cyswllt

Llinos Watkins

Pennaeth y Ganolfan

01269 833900