Health & Well-being Support
This Health and Well-being area contains useful information to help you understand and appreciate that your health and wellbeing is important. Not only does it enable you to learn successfully but it also helps to be independent, happy and healthy individuals. This page also contains information about a number of external agencies that can help.
If something is concerning you or if you have any questions, then it's important to talk to an adult you can trust. You can speak to a parent/carer, teacher, class tutor, head of year, inclusions officer or any member of the school's staff. We are here to help and support you.
Follow our Health & Well-being Instagram page @iechydalles_maesygwendraeth
School Councelling Service - Area 43
Dyfyniadau Positif || Positivity Quotes
A comprehensive list of Self Care Helplines and Apps
Mental Health Support
The Meddwl website is a place to get support, information and mental health experiences - all through the medium of Welsh.
Meic is the information, advice and advocacy service for children and young people in Wales between the ages of 0 and 25. Meic's bilingual service can be contacted, confidentially and free of charge, by phone (08088023456), text message (84001) or online chat on our website. We are open between 8am and midnight every day of the year.
NHS '111 Press 2'
The NHS ‘111 press option 2’ for mental health is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all ages. People can use this number if they have an urgent mental health concern themselves or about someone they know.
By providing access to a mental health professional, without the need for a GP referral, it can help support people to manage a mental health crisis and in many cases be an alternative to attending emergency departments or calling the police.
The service can be accessed by calling NHS 111 and selecting ‘option 2’. Callers will be transferred to a dedicated member of a mental health team in their local health board area.
For more information click here.
NSPCC - Resources for Parents/Carers
bilingual nspcc resources parent carer schools autumn 2023 v3 .pdf
HPV Vaccination Information
eng hpv school toolkit final.pdf
Healthy eating advice
public health packed lunch wales a4 sept19 english.pdf
welsh government190219 healthy lunchboxes leaflet english.pdf
change for life lunchbox leaflet english final.pdf
Energy drinks
Click on the image below for more information on Vaping.
Click here for more information on Vaping.
School Beat
Police Safeguarding the children of Wales through Crime Prevention education. SchoolBeat.Cymru
support and report directory.pdf
Helplines and contact numbers for domestic abuse issues
information regarding support lines for domestic abuse related issues.pdf
Support on Relationships and Sexuality
Click on the websites below to find more information regarding Relationship and Sexuality Education issues
Period Poverty
Tackling period poverty remains a priority for the government. A Period Proud Wales is a plan by the Welsh Government to achieve period dignity in Wales and eradicate period poverty. It will help to drive forward to make Wales a truly period proud nation and one that ensures everyone who needs products can access them without embarrassment or shame.
Carmarthenshire County Council, through the Welsh Government Period Dignity Grant are committed to tackling period poverty and are proud as a local authority to be providing those in need with free sanitary products. Click here for more information.
Click here for more information on Periods.
Choices / Barod Support
Specialist Substance Misuse Service for Young People in Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire.
Advice for children and young people: online issues and worries
There are lots of great things about social media, apps and games, life wouldn't be the samewithout them for most of us. But sometimes things can go wrong and you might feel like you are in an unsafe or upsetting situation.
Click here for information and advice on what to do and where to turn for help if you are worried about something online.
Carers Trust
Are you a carer or know someone who is looking after someone else?
If you do, then please have a chat with your class tutor, head of year or Mrs Adams / Mrs Demarco.
carers needs assessment poster nov 2024.pdf