Languages, Literacy and Communication
Our mission as the Language, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning is to give our learners opportunities to gain knowledge and skills in Welsh, English and International Languages. This will be achieved through listening, speaking, reading and writing; through looking at languages in relation to each other and, of course, through literature.
We aim to ignite learners’ curiosity about and enthusiasm for the languages of Wales and the world, and enable them to communiate effectively in a multilingual society. By experimenting and taking risks with new vocabulary and structures, learners will develop creativity and perseverance, as well benefiting from opportunities to mix and talk with others. Experiencing and learning multiple languages will deepen learners’ understanding of the relationships between different cultures and communities, enabling them to participate in wider society with empathy and confidence.
The benefits of strong links between languages at Maes y Gwendraeth are apparent, with pupils participating in a range of activities that make connections between languages e.g. a project in Year 8 that culminates in a tri-lingual presentation given in front of pupils and an external visitor. The
confidence and independence fostered in activities of this kind, as well as the range of skills developed, are beyond price.
These skills are essential in enabling learners to express themselves effectively, to be open to different viewpoints and to develop positive relationships. In essence, effective communication is at the heart of this Area of Learning, which will support learning across the entire curriculum.
Ieithoedd, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu || Languages, Literacy and Communication