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Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Maes y Gwendraeth

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Key stage 3 (Years 7-9)

All the notes that the pupil will need in order to revise and practice methods, will be placed on the pupil's Google Classroom at the start of each new unit of Mathematics work in the form of a comprehensive digital notebook. They include examples and visual explanations, step by step of the highest quality.

Below is a collection of websites that offer further opportunities to review and practice all kinds of aspects of KS3 mathematics and beyond. The pupil will need to choose to click on the relevant topic

All the notes that the pupil will need in order to revise and practice methods, will be placed on the pupil's Google Classroom at the start of each new unit of Mathematics work in the form of a comprehensive digital notebook. They include examples and visual explanations, step by step of the highest quality.

General KS3 Resources

Course: Year 7 CiG (

Video for every single possible topic within mathematics is easily available on youtube. All the videos can be accessed below.


Cip ar Fathemateg

Cip ar Fathemateg | Maths Spying (

A website that explains and shows how to carry out different calculation methods. Available in both languages, just press the icon on the top right corner of the screen

BBC Bite Size

CA3 Mathemateg - Wales - BBC Bitesize 

Click on a topic of your choice and you can proceed to review or test yourself through a self-marking test on screen.

NRICH - Mathematics Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students to Enrich Learning (

A good resource to develop problem solving skills, or if you're looking for an extra challenge.

Corbettmaths – Videos, worksheets, 5-a-day and much more

Offers videos that explain methods and loads of exercises on different topics.


Transum Mathematics

Offers videos that explain methods and loads of exercises, videos, puzzles, investigations and exam paper questions.

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

The school subscribes to this website, and all KS3 pupils have received a personal username and password in order to log in. A great site for practicing multiplication table retrieval.

 Translation of terms

Mathematics (

Specific resources to enrich the Year 7 Mathematics Curriculum

Year 7: Number Unit  (September to November)

Below is a list of interactive games that could be used to support the learning within the 1st unit in year 7.

To review number work and the methods from primary go to;  Year 6 Maths - BBC Bitesize

Interactive games;


Nearest 10, 100, decimal places (and also need to know about signiificant figures in addition to the content covered within the unit)

Adolygu Talgrynnu Blwyddyn 7 - Gameshow quiz (


Calculation methods (add, subtract, multiply and divide) 




 Fractions, Percentages and Decimals

Percentage of an amount (some with a calculator and some without)

Percentages of Amounts - Gameshow quiz (

Converting fractions to percentages

Fractions to Percentages - Flip tiles (




General KS4 Resources 


KS4 Algebra resources 


KS4 Shape Resources 


KS4 Number Resources


KS4 Statistics resources 


Pos of the day to help practice your numeracy skills daily








Intermediate level puzzles (more of a challenge)

More suitable for pupils in years 9, 10 and 11.





Higher level puzzles (aiming higher)

More suitable for pupils in years 10 and 11