School Values
To maintain our high standards of discipline we encourage pupils to cultivate a positive and respectful attitude. This is reflected and supported through our agreed values.
The 3 core values are;
- Ready to learn
- Safe to learn
- Respect to learning
A root to each value is The Welsh Language
It is expected that the whole school community respect, speak and celebrate the Welsh language in all aspects of school life.
The values are clear, simple and easy for pupils to understand.
We as a school community try to embed the values into every aspect of school life. They are visible in every classroom and around the school campus.
When looking in more detail at the values there is a range of vocabulary that corresponds to each value.
Ready to Learn || Parod i ddysgu
Pupils are expected to be ambitious, work together, show resilience, positivity and motivation.
It is expected that pupils comply with the school uniform rules and be present and punctual to school and lessons.
Pupils are encouraged to bring the correct resources to school every day.
Safe to Learn || Diogel i ddysgu
Pupils are encouraged to show kindness and friendship to others whilst adhering to our anti-bullying policy.
Pupils are encouraged to develop personal responsibility and care for others.
Respect to learning || Parch at ddysgu
Pupils are expected to show cooperation and courtesy while being encouraged to build high expectations in order to achieve their full potential.
Our behaviour affects everyone and everything. A teacher cannot teach and a pupil cannot learn in a class when a minority behaves offensively and without respect.
The behaviour of our pupils today influences their tomorrow.